So why ask a lawyer who has been certified as a trial attorney to handle your case? What does the "certified attorney" symbol on this website mean to a client? This all means that at the Law Offices of Jeffrey S Mandel LLC you can have Jeff Mandel be your lawyer and have one of only approximately 3% of all lawyers in the State of New Jersey to

     As for the New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act, if you have been the victim of an unconscionable commercial practice or if you have been charged money by a business or a contractor who failed to follow the guidelines set forth in the New Jersey Administrative Code, then you should contact a lawyer at the Law Offices of Jeffrey S Mandel LLC to see if the firm will handle your case. You can also contract the law firm if you are a business or a contractor who is accused of violating the New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act. 


receive the honor of being certified as a civil trial lawyer. The certification process required Jeff Mandel to have demonstrated a substantial level of experience in civil trial law, been favorably evaluated by other attorneys and judges familiar with his work, and further required Jeff Mandel to pass a written examination in civil trial law. 

Though not a solicitation being sent to you, this web site may be considered an ADVERTISEMENT. Before making your choice of attorney, you should give this matter careful thought. The selection of an attorney is an important decision. If you believe this web site is inaccurate or misleading, you may report same to the Committee on Attorney Advertising, Hughes Justice Complex, CN 970, Trenton, NJ 08625-0970. No aspect of this advertisement has been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey, past results do not mean future success, and awards do not win cases.

     The Law Offices of Jeffrey S Mandel LLC has a lawyer certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Civil Trial Attorney. Seeking a lawyer who has both prosecuted and defended clients under the New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act? You found it. Seeking a lawyer who is willing to go to trial if the case cannot settle on favorable terms? You found it. Seeking a lawyer who has successfully appealed judges who interpreted the New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act differently than we believe it should have been interpreted? You found it.

FREEHOLD, MILLBURN, Newark, morristownand cherry hill



    To find out if a lawyer at the Offices of Jeffrey S Mandel LLC is willing to handle your case, call 973-921-0003 or send an email to To learn more about the managing partner, click here.

New Jersey Consumer Fraud lawyer. Morristown consumer fraud lawyer. Attorney for consumer fraud. Finding the best consumer fraud lawyer in New Jersey. New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act. Search for consumer fraud lawyer in New Jersey.
